Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Right Testicular Pain Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Right Testicular Pain - Case Study Example Just as Brown-Guttovz (2007) states, to eradicate chances for misdiagnosis, I may have to: observe the patient’s gait and resting position; the natural position of the testis in the scrotal sac when the patient is standing; the presence or absence of cremasteric reflex; determine whether the swelling is reducible; check and compare the palpitation of the scrotum, scrotal contents of the affected Hemi scrotum against the affected Hemi scrotum; and analyze palpitations in the lower abdomen and the inguinal and cord canals.Nevertheless, from the foregoing, the absence of the cremasteric reflex make it clear that the patient is suffering from testicular torsion and not any other testicular conditions that are also accompanied with pain, The evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the patient is required and should be done very fast because if testicular torsion goes untreated for 6 hours, the affected testis may be lost. In this respect, blood tests will not be considered at this stage. Radionuclide scanning is very accurate but may not be applicable at this stage since time will be of the essence. In light of the recommendation put forth by Somani, Watson, and Townell (2010), Doppler tests may be used to identify the absence of the patient’s blood flow in the affected or twisted testicle. The Doppler ultrasound scan on the scrotum is 90% accurate in detecting testicular torsion and differentiating testicular torsion from other sources of testicular pain and complications such as epididymitis.
Monday, October 28, 2019
The Speckled Band Essay Example for Free
The Speckled Band Essay There has been a great deal of famous detective stories that have been written by many authors, all of which are very interesting and exciting. Some examples of very good, successful detective stories are: The murders in the Rue Morgue written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1841. This book was Edgars first story and it was very successful. The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins which featured Sergeant Cuff and a stolen gem. This was written in 1868. Another set of detective stories was Sherlocks Holmes written stories, which were written during the 1880s. As you can see detective books have been going on since the mid 1800s as well as in the 1900s. 1920s onwards Agatha Christie starts to write her very famous and very successful detective stories with Hercule Poirot and Dorothy L. Sayers with Lord Peter Wimsey, both of the upper class. 1970s P.D. James and Ruth Rendell start to write. In their recent books they feature corrupt policemen. In P.D. James last three books the murder has not been convicted, either because they died or due to insufficient evidence. 1990s There has been popularity shown by the number of films and T.V series e.g. Inspector Morse, Taggart, Frost, Dalziel and Pascoe and so on. From the above you should notice that there has been a lot of well known detective stories about and I will be comparing and contrasting two types of detective stories. To support my points I will be using quotations and close references. In each section I will compare the stories and clearly explain the difference. I will be covering the following factors in detail, detectives, crime and motive, clues and red herrings, methods of investigation, the setting location social conditions and the creation of suspense. In The Speckled Band written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, the detectives are very polite to each other and speak Queens English. When they talk to each other they always address each other a my dear friend, Dr Watson, Mr Holmes or Madam never by there first name. Sherlock Holmes in The Speckled Band comes across as being very clever and witty. You know this because at the very beginning of the story Dr Watson is saying he was going over his and Sherlocks seventy odd cases that they have done in the last eight years. If Holmes were not clever he would have completed all of those cases. Another part of the story where Holmes shows his cleverness is when Helen Stoner has come to see him and he notices that she has come by train and dog-cart. Holmes knows that she has firstly come by train from the ticket stub in Helens hand and secondly he notices that she has come by dog-cart from the splattered mud up her arm, I observe the second half of a return ticket in the palm of your left glove. You must have started early, and yet you had a good drive in a dog-cart There is no vehicle save a dog-cart which throws up mud in that way. Holmes also notices that Helen is shivering and orders her a cup of hot coffee. When Sherlock is observing the Stoke Moran notices a lot of clues, which no one else had seen before. I will go into this more when I talk about clues and red herrings. Sherlock Holmes is always cool and collective in dangerous situations. E.g. when he hears the hissing he lashes out at it very quickly and takes action whereas Watson sits there not knowing whats going on and he panics a bit but Holmes stays calm. Holmes also keeps calm when Dr Grimsby Roylott comes to visit him. I have heard a bout you before. You are Holmes the meddler. My friend smiled. (Sherlock Holmes) Holmes the busy body. His smile broadened. (Sherlock Holmes) Holmes the Scotland Yard Jack-in-office. Holmes chuckled heartily. Sherlock Holmes comes across as not at all being scared. You know this because he is not scared in more than one occasion. He was not scared when Dr Grimsby Roylott barges in and threatens him, he keeps very calm and another place where he keeps his cool is when he is approaching the Stoke Moran place and sees the baboon. Although he knows the Dr Roylott keeps a cheetah he doesnt become scared and he carries on as normal. Holmes is also not as weak as you think he is because when Dr Roylatt comes to Holmes house he bends the fire poker to try to scare Sherlock but Holmes just bends it straight again. my grip was not much more feeble than his own. As he spoke he picked up the steel poker, and with a sudden effort straightened it out again. Sherlock Holmes really enjoys his work and loves to solve new cases. You know this because when Helen Stoner comes to him and she tells him what the case is about. She tells Holmes that she wont be able to pay him a lot of money and he replies saying that money is not a problem and as long as she pays for his expenses. E.g. transport fees and accommodation. Sherlock Holmes comes across as being a hero in The Speckled Band because Helen Stoner travels miles and miles to seek out this famous detective. When she finds him he gets straight on the case and solves it within a days work whereas Helen has not had the slightest clue how her sister died for two years. Another detective in The Speckled Band is Dr Watson. Dr Watson is Sherlock Holmes assistant, he is also very polite when he talking to people, he always addresses people as sir, madam or by their last name never by their first name. Holmes, I cried, I seem to see dimly what you are hinting at. Dr Watson comes across as being a clever man but not as near as Sherlock Holmes. He has always assisted Holmes crimes all of which he has helped to solve the case. Watson also enjoys his work at solving cases with Sherlock and he has always accompanied Sherlock, you can tell Watson enjoys the cases when he says he wouldnt miss the case.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain Essay -- civil war, blacks, freedom
Before the Civil War, slavery was what the people in the south considered the normal. It was all they knew. They had been taught that black’s where under the white people. The Black’s didn’t understand it, but to them it was a matter of life and death. They accepted it because they were scared of the consequences that followed. However, white people who helped the blacks were considered traitors. The blacks were stuck. They wanted freedom, but in the south it was almost impossible. If they ran and were caught they were killed and the people in the north were the only people who would help. Even the northerner had trouble helping a wide variety of blacks. Northerners tried, but they could never accomplish all that they wanted. One thing that was interesting was when southerners realized that blacks were human beings. Once they had this concept it was almost impossible to think of them as slaves or the workers. Slaver was a huge part of the south and once Huckleber ry Finn was published it showed some of the problems in the United States, including slavery. In Huckleberry Finn, by Mark Twain there are three scenes that I would consider my favorites: when Huck escapes from his dad, when King and Duke deceive a town and when Huck realized that Jim is a human being. In Huck Finn one of the turning points in the book was when Huck faked his death and met Jim on the island. Huck is locked into a cabin and his father periodically beets the poor boy. â€Å"Human beings can be awful cruel to one another.†His own dad beat him and chased him around the house trying to kill him. Eventually, Huck can’t handle it anymore, and has a plan. He won’t sit by and wait for his dad to kill him. The only way to prevent people from following him, Huck had to ... ...en we can learn to love them. Can you take the action and become similar to Huck Finn? Where is your heart? Works Cited Bilyeu, Suzanne. "Mark Twain's Bad Boy." New York Times Upfront 142 (2010): n. pag. Print. Discusses all that happened when the book was first released to the public. Hurt, Mathew. "Twain's Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Explicator (2005): n. pag. Print. Discusses showed the character of Huck Finn. Michael, Green. "With Humor." Cobblestone 32 (2011): 36. Print. Shows how Twain and how he can manipulate words. Newell, Kate. "Authenticity in Adaptations of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." Literature/Film Quarterly 41 (2013): 303. Print. It shows how the people can reject what they don't like. Wysocki, Barbara. "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn." School Library 48 (2002): 87. Print. Shows what people should and how they should act.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Movie and the Society Essay
The pleasure of watching movies is considered vital in our society today. It gives us a temporary escape from reality and allows us to indulge in a world of thrills and chills within the persona of each character in the film that we watch. We also find ourselves contemplating on the identities of characters and somehow see a part of our life in theirs. Typical reaction of movie goers are â€Å"good†, â€Å"boring†, â€Å"exciting†and â€Å"O. K. †People’s judgment is based on their feelings and how the film made them feel that way. Are they triggered with fear during the movie? Did they end up crying? Did they feel good at the end of the movie and leave the theater with a smile on their faces? This approach in analyzing a movie is not really bad, since feelings and sensual pleasures are part of humanistic approach and initial reaction. An audience tends to react based how they exactly feel right after they’ve seen a film: how they indulge in fantasy on magical movies, how they drop off their seats during suspense and horror films, and how they feel the triumph of heroes and heroic figures on suspense and action films. Movies give us a two- to three-hour experience that we often lack in our daily lives. They also give us ideas and make us try to imagine what kind of life are we going to experience if we are in the shoes of the characters that we have watched. Movie Construction Movies are not only judged according to our feelings and emotions but also with ideas and assumptions. The plots and story give us a better vision and meaning of our own lives. Most people are not good evaluating, examining, and analyzing movies. Most people don’t bother to think much because they are after the experience of feeling different emotions or they just love the actors and actresses of the film. As a student who is in line with film studies, I think various bases should be used in analyzing movies. With this learning, we don’t only enjoy the film that we are watching but be more keen observers on the different aspects of movies that filmmakers tend to hide from us; how the film is made and what values are promoted (Kolker, 1999, p. 33). We often forget that films are not only artificial construction where people on screen are only projections from television and made out of cameras and videos. We should bear in mind that these films are results of thousand hours of writing scripts, directing, acting, shooting, editing, cutting, and splicing. Most filmmakers tries their best and makes them forget that its just a story by making sure that there is no equipments like cameras or microphones seen as a part of the filming context. They also work very hard to keep us from noticing how the film is pieced together from the footage taken in many different places, from many different camera positions, and over a much longer period of time than we experience in watching it. â€Å"Because we’re used to thinking that seeing is believing, that pictures don’t lie, it is easy to feel as if what we are seeing is really happening. †(Mast, 2008) Basic Terms in Movie Analysis Shots These are streams of images which are not interrupted by editing it is a continuity of scenes and where graphics are formed by series of still frames. In order to be able to think about a film, we have to resist the â€Å"suspension of disbelief†in order to pay attention to how the film is put together. Start by noticing when one shot ends and another begins. In film studies parlance, a â€Å"shot†is any â€Å"unbroken, unedited length of film. †(Kolker, 1999, p. 33) In most films shots gives us interpretation regarding scenes and characters. We can see the emotions and predict future events base on shots provided in the film. Like the extreme long shots that gives us the overall scenario where the enemies and soldiers begins a battle. Most of the time shots are cut through editing so that it will appear as one to the viewer but in reality it is taken with series of shots to make up one particular scene. Once we have enough knowledge in analyzing the shots and editing in the movie we can also understand how the film starts to manipulate us and our feelings through the rest of watching the entire movie. Shorter shots gives us faster pacing of the film and transitions in the events of the characters. â€Å"When we get used to fast-paced films like this, films with longer shots and fewer cuts can seem slow and difficult to watch. But, of course, such fast-paced films also make it harder to think! Films that constantly use close-up shots of the characters create a higher level of intensity and intimacy than do films which focus more on landscape, geography, and other aspects of context. †(Mast, 2008) If a film always provides us shots of the characters it gives us the notion that these individuals are the most important element in the story and through the rest of the film, places and situations also gives valuable shot as it shapes the lives of the main character. Scenes and Sequences This usually takes place in a single time and place with the characters of the film having a conversation at a given time. There are times that two scenes are provided in the film alternately showing the viewers different scenarios which often combined or talks about the same topic. â€Å"Sometimes a single scene may contain two lines of action, occurring in different spaces or even different times, that are related by means of crosscutting. Scene and sequence can usually be used interchangeably, though the latter term can also refer to a longer segment of film that does not obey the spatial and temporal unities of a single scene. For example, a montage sequence that shows in a few shots a process that occurs over a period of time. †(Film Analysis Guide 2008) Story/Plot This term refers to the overall order of the film. It is consist of settings, time frame, events and the relations between them. Story on the other hand is more extensive sine it is more straightforward especially if the genre is drama where the story is manipulated by the plot to produce dramatic effects. Often times we tend to interpret easily a film based on the story without giving consideration to other factors in the film. We easily conclude that this film is made merely to frighten or to make us laugh or cry. Without noticing factors like the mise-en-scene. Mise-en-scene This is the overall projection of the film on an audience perspective. All things are put in the scene which includes the setting, properties, wardrobe, lights, acting,etc. Things like this often manipulates the minds of the viewers as they tend to easily judge the character based on its appearance. This is also one strategy that a film critic may use in determining the role of each character. For example if the character wears red and the rest of the cast wears pink we can easily say that he is the lead character and the whole story will revolve around him. Props also gives us interpretation regarding future events once they are used as symbolism in the film. With the use of shots and camera angles we can easily predict a future event like a shot of knife then the lead character then the villain. The mise-en-scene is arranged in a way that the viewer can picture out totally what is happening in the film itself. Genres The type of films are recognized and analyzed based also on its genre. This gives the film certain distinctions in terms of â€Å" narrative or stylistic conventions, or merely by their discursive organization in influential criticism. Genres are made necessary by high volume industrial production. †(Film Analysis Guide 2008) Focus This is another element of film wherein â€Å"the degree of light rays coming from any particular part of an object pass through the lens and re-converge at the same point on a frame of the film negative, creating sharp outlines and distinct textures that match the original object. This optical property of the cinema creates variations in depth of field through shallow focus, deep focus, and techniques such as racking focus. †(Film Analysis Guide 2008) The sharpness of an image in a film gives the viewer an eye shot of the main subject. Through focus we can also interpret and analyze film since we are given enough exposure of the scenes and we feel the intense feeling of the characters using this technique. Rocking focus makes us feel the thrill during chase scenes between the killers and the main character. Editing After shooting the entire film, clips are gathered and series of shots are combined in a single filmstrip. Here the sequence of scenes are added with transitions and uses cuts to remove unnecessary scenes. Hard to achieve effects which cannot be provided by means of humanistic approach is enhanced and produced by editing to give film a more enticing effect. Magics and special effects are added to make films more appealing. Hence this also helps us to interpret and analyze movies sometimes if a film is easily cut without giving further ado to the audience it may result negatively on the end of the audience because it was edited but with bad quality. Sound and Light Effects In cinemas, sounds in films does not necessarily need to match the scenes or it needs to be continuous. â€Å"Sound can also be used to reintroduce events from earlier in the story. †(Film Analysis Guide 2008). It gives viewers interpretation of what that scene is for base on the type of songs that is played during a particular scene. Lights also gives us predicaments as to what is really happening on that particular scene. Like on love scenes lights are always darker and mostly turned off in many movies. While Enhanced light which almost blinds the viewers are provided if there are scenes of triumphs and enjoyment. Ideology and Interpretation of Films After the given terms and interpretation of film above, â€Å"We have come to understand films as artificial constructions that are pieced together by filmmakers, we can more easily begin to ask questions about the ideological agenda of a film what values it promotes. Because films are cultural products shaped by the historical context of their making they can tell us much about the values and commitments of their makers and their audiences. An ideological analysis of a film that appeals to a viewer can also tell about a great deal on ones own conscious or unconscious values. (Mast, 2008) I believe that the real criteria in evaluating an interpreting a movie is by analyzing not only its components in the technical terms of movie analysis but how it appeals to our consciousness and sensitivity as an individual. Our Values and Social responsibility as impacted by the type of film that we’ve watched. So that later on we will drop comments like â€Å"boring†and â€Å"OK†and use more helpful words like how the film reinforces you as an individual and how it challenges an assumption regarding a particular topic. â€Å"Instead of dismissing films because they are slow-paced or follow unfamiliar plots or include unusual characters, it may be more inspiring and personally transformative to ask what surprised you about these films and why. For these Studies in Cinema films, in short, it will be worthwhile to move beyond the question â€Å"How did I feel? †to the more difficult question: â€Å"What do I think? †(Mast, 2008) There are some films that makes viewer easily understand bodies of literature. Movies like Romeo and Juliet are arranged and scripted in a way that can be easily understood in literal and lay man’s term. Unlike the words used in the literary piece it is more innovated in terms of using appropriate words and drops off words that are hard to understand by viewers. Reference Film Analysis Guide (2008). Yale Film Studies Website. Retrieved January 15, 2008 from: http://classes. yale. edu/film-analysis/ Kolker, Robert (1999). Film, Form and Culture. McGraw Hill College, p. 33. Mast, Gerald J. Biesecker (2008). How to Watch Movies Intelligently. Retrieved January 15, 2008 from: http://www. bluffton. edu/~mastg/Watchingmovies. htm
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Funny in Farsi
Funny in Farsi A Memior of Growing Up Iranian in America by Firoozeh Dumas is all about her life growing up in California after her dad is moved there but is company form Iran. Being born in Iran she had not learned much English so when she moved to the United State she slowly learned and was the translator for her mother a lot of the time. In her younger years she moved around about every two years and eventually she settled in America after her dad retired from the oil refinery in Iran.Since she was light skinned and had dark hair she could pass for an America as long as she did ot speak because of her accent, this abled her in many ways. After living in America for some time Firoozeh realizes that no one can really say her name the right way because the English language does not use the same sounds that are in the Persian language. Also by taking an America name she would no longer have to spend endless amounts of time trying to explain to people how to say her name.Since she look ed like a young American girl with an American name she could pass for someone that had been born and raised there, that is until she had to open her mouth to say something. After people started to think that she was an American they started to say things that she had never known that they had been saying before, about immigrants from her country. Whilst she has changed her name some Americans that had been traveling in Iran had been taken captive and held for a period of time and while the news was going over the story people started to talk about the issue.By having the American name she heard things that the people really thought about the issues with Iran instead of the polite things they would say to stay off of the subject. Kazem, her father, got fired from his Job for being Iranian during this time and found it very difficult to find another Job. Eventually he stopped putting that he was Persian or Iranian all together and became Turkish, Just so that he could find a Job duri ng Just a difficult time. After all of the problems with Iran went away she went to college at the University of California at Berkeley where she met her husband a Frenchman named Francois.Since Francois was not from the Middle East he was not part of all the craziness with Iran, but he could easily pass for an American because of his white skin. Also if he ad never said anything to anyone no one would ever know about his accent, but then again no big event happened in France that would turn the American people against them. Even though Firoozeh saw the darker side of the citizens in the United States, she did not seem to think that the country was anything less than a blessing, and stayed in the United States as an adult.American attitudes and biases toward immigrants different from country to country and from person to person, some think one way and others think the other way. Normally the things that factor into how a person see's another person are how hat person was raised, wha t beliefs they have, and how strongly they feel about the subject. The biggest factor is the way they were raised because if you are in a household where the parents or grandparents talk about a certain race of people in a bad way, it's the same as monkey see monkey do.If a child over hears there father talking about those stupid Persians, then that child is likely to go and repeat it to a friend, teacher, nanny, or another Persian themselves. Mainly the behavior towards immigrants has been learned whilst the child was growing up or even as an adult eople tend to believe things that they hear, and repeat them to other people which then lead to more people thinking the exact same way as the people that has said these things in the first place.Stereotypes about people happen on a day to day bias, someone sees some that has been wearing the same Jacket all winter and of they think that they are poor and probably cannot afford a new coat. When in all truth that person could Just be wear ing their favorite coat or this one may be the warmest of all the coats they own, a person can never tell anything about a person by Just briefly seeing them in the same hings or at the same places.People think that is someone from one country will do something harsh, rash, dangerous, or illegal that all people from that country are going to do it, and that has never been the case. If someone from a small town goes and robs a bank does that mean that everyone in that town is now going to go and rob another bank somewhere else, no it does not. By grouping people together as being all the same that is Just putting them into one group for one reason are they going to be separate into which are more likely to do this and which are more likely to o that, the answer is no.Firoozeh Dumas was born in Iran and then around seven moved to the United States, but she never thought any less of the people her the whole time she stayed and now even as an adult she live in California. Even after all the hardships she faced form moving here not knowing English and having to translate for her mother, going back to Iran and then coming back again. She saw all of the bias and the problems that people have with other countries and immigrants, she grew up in a world where not everyone is accepted for whole they truly are.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep
Guide to Using ACT Practice Tests 20 Hour Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you only have a short time left to study for the ACT, using official practice tests can help you raise your scores quickly. In this article, I'll take you through a 20-hour ACT prep plan thatuses official practice tests to hone your skills on the test. This approach willshow youexactly what you can expect on test day and helpyou to identify and address the most pressing weaknesses in your test-taking strategy. Below, I've broken down the most effective way to get the swiftly get the greatest benefitfrompracticing with official ACTs, as well as explained the benefits and drawbacks of this type of prep program. Why Are ACT Practice Tests Good for Short Term Prep? Practice tests are the best study tools for students who are less familiar with standardized tests and have limited time to prepare.You will experience the largest point gains in the shortest time through the use of practice tests.Familiarity with the overall test format and time constraints will help students who are new to the ACT improve their scores more dramatically than practicing individual questions in isolation. Understanding and fixing your mistakes on practice tests is the number one way to improve your scores.If you can be honest with yourself about what you’re missing and take steps to counteract your most costly errors, you’ll be well on your way to a great ACT score. How to Prep for the ACT in 20 Hours Using Practice Tests The following is a basic outline of how you can use 20 hours and three official practice tests to prepare yourself for the ACT. You can always spend more or less time reviewing your practice test results depending on how much time you have before the real test! Step 1: Take an Initial Practice Test (4 Hours) You should take an official ACT practice test right off the bat so you can figure out your score level and main weaknesses.Make sure that you use the same time constraints as the real test, and set yourself up in a distraction-free environment with the appropriate supplies.Don’t take the test on a computer; it won’t be the same experience as a paper-based test. You should always print out practice tests!See this article for more information on how to simulate realistic testing conditions. Be prepared with plenty of sharpened pencils that havenice robust erasers. Look at them. Beautiful. Step 2: Review Your Mistakes (4 Hours) Now for the hard part - understanding your mistakes on the practice test and fixing them!You don’t have that much time, so you won’t be able to go super in-depth with what you’re missing, but there are lots of quick fixes you can implement that will result in significant point gains.Notice which sections gave you the most trouble. Your mistakes might fall into a few different categories.Here are some issues that students commonly run into on the ACT and strategies dealing with them: Time Management Problems If you couldn’t finish a section of the test, you have problems with time management.These issues are common for students who are new to the ACT, and can usually be resolved through strategy changes. Since the ACT is a fairly predictable test, you can make a plan in advance to tackle your time problems. As an overall strategy, you should learn to skip questions that you spend more than 30 seconds trying to figure out.Lingering on difficult questions can be very damaging to your scores.If you spend too much time on hard questions early on in a section, you may miss easier questions at the end and sacrifice points. It’s very common for students to run out of time on the Reading section of the ACT because the passages are so long.If this is the case for you, you might try changing your reading strategy.Skimming or reading the questions first rather than reading the passage closely can save a lot of time.Read this article for more information on passage reading strategies. Since the ACT always includes passages in the same topic order, you can also try reading the passage in the topic area where you feel most confident first.For example, the natural sciences passage is always last, but you could skip right to it and do those questions first if science is a strength of yours.This way, you won’t run out of time before you get to the types of questions that are easier for you. If the science section is giving you trouble, you might try reading the conflicting viewpoints passage last.This passage often ruins people’s pace on the science section because it involves more reading and takes up more time than the other data-driven passages.If you save it for last, you won’t be forced to rush on other parts of the Science section that might be easier for you. You can also read our other articles for more tips on how to avoid running out of timeon the ACT. This will be an accurate depiction of you taking the ACT once you overcome your time problems. Careless Mistakes If you find that careless mistakes are an issue for you, there are a couple of steps you can take to get a better handle on them.A careless mistake is a mistake that happened because you didn’t read carefully enough or were rushing through the question.You should have known the answer, but you answered incorrectly anyways. To reduce instances of careless mistakes, you should always double-check your answers at the end of each section.You should also try to read more carefully and avoid rushing.On the Math section, you can underline what the problem wants you to solve for so that you don’t get lost in your calculations.You can also underline key words in Reading and Science questions to keep yourself on track. Lack of Content Knowledge Did you notice that you struggled in a particular content area on the practice test? Since you only have four hours to review your mistakes, you may not be able to fix your content weaknesses completely.That being said, small issues with content can be fixed with minimal study time. Since the ACT doesn’t give you math formulas, it will be useful for you to memorize any formulas you forgot that may have caused you to lose points.You can also brush up on some grammar rules if you had issues on the English section.If there’s a very large area of knowledge that you’re missing, don’t try to learn all of it now. Focus on more superficial issues that will allow you to gain back the most points in the shortest amount of time. Don't break out the heavy duty study materials for your gaps in content knowledge if you only have 20 hours. Zero in on the easy fixes. Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 (8 Hours) After you’ve evaluated your mistakes on the first practice test and developed a new strategy, you should take a second test to see where you stand.Then, you can repeat the process of analyzing and fixing your mistakes.If you find that you’ve improved significantly, that’s great! You may be making different mistakes now, so reassess your strengths and weaknesses and work on adapting your strategy.If you haven’t improved, you should look at how you reacted to your mistakes on the previous test. Try working with alternate strategies to combat your weaknesses. Step 4: Take a Final Practice Test (4 Hours) After the second round of testing and evaluation, you should take one last practice test before the real ACT.Make sure you use all the strategies you came up with in your review sessions. The extra practice will help to ensure that your performance on the real test is consistent with your current practice test results. Total Time: 20 hours! Yes! You did it! Will 20 Hours Be Enough Study Time for You? You can certainly improve your ACT scores in twenty hours, but for students who need to make significant changes of more than 2 or 3 points it may not be ideal.For example, if you hope to improve your scores by 6 points, 80 hours might be a more realistic estimate of how much study time you need to reach your goal. See this article on how long you should study for the ACT to get a better idea of how to plan out your time.If you’re not sure of your goals yet, read about how to find your target score. Even if you plan on studying for a longer period, going through the 20 hour study plan can be a helpful way to assess your problems and get in some good practice.You can spend more time in the mistake evaluation and strategy revision phase if you plan on studying for longer than 20 hours.You might decide to take an extra practice test or two as well so that you can keep revising your strategies to keep pace with your point improvements.To learn more about why studying for the ACT is worthwhile and how it will help you in the future, read some of our free guides and other resources! What's Next? Are you worried about your low ACT scores? Learn more about some of the best ACT strategies for low scorers who are hoping to improve! Procrastination when prepping for standardized tests is a common problem. Find out how you can beat it! If you're looking for basic tips to improve your ACT scores quickly, read about these 15 mini-strategies that can make a big difference. Want to improve your ACT score by 4 points?We have the industry's leading ACT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and ACT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today:
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Jungle †Analysis and Book Review
The Jungle – Analysis and Book Review Free Online Research Papers The Jungle Analysis: I feel extremely fortunate that as a whole, working families today do not experience as many tragedies as the characters in Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle experienced during the beginning of the 20th century. While reading The Jungle I learned that the rights and welfare of the average American working man and woman have dramatically increased over the past hundred years. Although some of the same social, economic, and political problems still occur in our society, the problems are far less prevalent than they were during the time Sinclair wrote The Jungle. The novel follows the lives a large Lithuanian family during the early 1900s that immigrates to the United States in the pursuit of freedom and happiness. The family of eleven took what little money they had with them to the United States with the hope of escaping poverty and providing a better life for their children. After a long, arduous journey across the Atlantic Ocean, the family arrived in New York and was swindled out most of their savings by police who were supposed to protect them. The family continued to travel to Chicago (Packingtown), where they finally settled down. Upon arrival in Packingtown, the family found that the cost of living in the United States was far more expensive than in Lithuania. To further add to the family’s dismay, they learned that the only employment available to Cote Page 2 non-English speaking, uneducated, and hardworking immigrants like themselves in Packingtown was scarce, unstable, arduous, and dangerous. Packingtown was designed to mak e families dependent on working in factories. When an employee in a factory hurt themselves or was fell ill, they would quickly be tossed aside and filled with a fresh worker. Employers in Packingtown demanded 16 hour workdays from their employees and rewarded them with meat infected with tuberculosis, low wages, and fatigue. Large businesses were able to commit such atrocities because they paid off politicians, police, and union leaders. Another reason employers were able to treat their employees so badly was because unemployment was so high. There was a constant supply of working men and women to fill any persons job who may quit out of protest. Politicians had no desire to address the needs of their constituents and only had their own special interests in mind. Both the Democrat and Republican Parties bought votes and manipulated countless elections. The Democrat party was among the biggest offenders and was also the largest party in Packingtown. Men who held political office weren’t fresh young men who were elected every couple of years, they were the same, elder incumbents who had held office for 30 years or more. Although these incumbents had experience, they were often jaded and usually looked out for their interests first, large business interests second, and the working peoples interests last. One of the most tragic concepts I found in Sinclair’s novel was the class system. At the present we have the privilege to strive for a better life and attempt to better ourselves economically through education. During the early 1900’s, most of the people were born and Cote Page 3 died in the same class. The gap between the rich and the poor was extremely large and there was hardly any middle class citizens. Many of the immigrant families who flocked to the United States during the time actually left better circumstances in their home countries to work in places like Packingtown which killed men by overworking them. I found it extremely saddening to read about how the large Lithuanian family arrived in the United States with dignity, integrity, and determination only to loose it all to Packingtown. One of the main reasons why I feel the main character of the novel, Jurgis, embraced the Communist Party with such passion as he did was because he had experienced every social ill which the United States had offered at the time. His wife was forced into prostitution, his child died from neglect, many of his loved ones died from overwork and starvation, and countless friends and other family members continued to live the rest of their lives working in the slaughterhouses of Packingtown. The Communist Party was so popular at the time because citizens found that the Republican and Democrat parties weren’t doing enough for them. The Communist Party was built on the platform of helping the working men and women of the United States. Voters responded overwhelmingly in favor of Communism because they were tired of being mistreated by big businesses through the country. Although Communism was never a major political force in the United States for an extended period of time, I believe it sent a message to the major parties to reform or be thrown out by a non-corrupted party. Upon completion of The Jungle I found it extremely amazing how quickly technology and legislation has proved safer, cleaner, and less strenuous work environments in less then a Cote Page 4 hundred years. I credit the change of work conditions and environments to not only the politicians and inventors in this country, but to the working men and women who killed themselves trying to provide a better life for their families. Research Papers on The Jungle - Analysis and Book Review19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationTwilight of the UAWNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceQuebec and CanadaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaAssess the importance of Nationalism 1815-1850 EuropeInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesCapital PunishmentThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug Use
Sunday, October 20, 2019
How to Treat Postpositive Adjectives
How to Treat Postpositive Adjectives How to Treat Postpositive Adjectives How to Treat Postpositive Adjectives By Mark Nichol Nearly a thousand years ago, the Norman Conquest had a profound effect not only on the English nation but also on the English language. One of the manifestations of this event is the survival of the postpositive adjective. In many languages, including French, a modifying word follows the word it modifies, such as in the phrase ressource naturelle (â€Å"natural resources†). Because of Norman French’s influence on law, politics, and other matters sovereign, we still sometimes use this form in the mongrel melange that is the English language. Thus â€Å"attorney general†(as well as â€Å"secretary general†and â€Å"postmaster general†), which refers not to a military rank but to the office holder’s generic scope of responsibility. Thus court-martial, which literally pertains to a court of a martial, or warlike, nature but practically applies to a military court in wartime or peacetime. Thus â€Å"heir apparent†and knight-errant, artifacts of feudal system. (Note that compound form is inconsistent: Open compounds prevail, but some hyphenated forms persist. When in doubt, look the term up. If certain, look the term up anyway.) This form reaches even into the quotidian vocabulary of business, with â€Å"accounts payable†and â€Å"accounts receivable,†as well as â€Å"notary public,†and in terms that apply to government but have entered general use, such as â€Å"body politic.†There’s even a pair of ordinary words that sometimes take postpositive adjectives in some contexts; I used one earlier in this post, in the phrase â€Å"matters sovereign.†Another is things, as in â€Å"things unsaid.†And how are such terms pluralized? Generally as shown in the first two examples in the paragraph above the noun, not the adjective, logically takes the plural form: for example, â€Å"attorneys general†(but attorney-generals in British English), courts-martial, and â€Å"notaries public.†The same is true of mother-in-law and like terms, the plural form of which is rendered mothers-in-law, and similar constructions such as â€Å"editor in chief†(sometimes hyphenated, though that style is outmoded), right-of-way, and sergeant-at-arms (pluralized as â€Å"editors in chief,†rights-of-way, and sergeants-at-arms, respectively). Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Does "Mr" Take a Period?Writing Styles (with Examples)
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Week 3 womens health Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Week 3 womens health - Assignment Example In the ongoing pregnancies in her life, there might occur risks of very preterm delivery, prenatal death, low birth weight, and premature preterm rupture of membranes (Gabbe, 2012). The patient required anticipatory follow-up guidance which I provided. This guideline contained education about pregnancy, birth, and parenting; safe sexual practices, good diet habits, and the importance of early prenatal care. I told her that she should receive and understand all detailed instructions about signs and symptoms of complications such as infection or retained products of conception and also contact information access (Paul et al., 2011). One recommendation, I will consider is to reduce the risk brought about by the previous adverse pregnancy outcome. This is mainly by the discussion of unwanted pregnancies as well as the enhancement of life options. This reduction would help prevent and minimize health problems for the patient and the child (Taylor & James, 2011). In conclusion, both men and women who have acquired the childbearing age should understand the risks involved in childbearing. Pregnancies should, therefore, be planned and intended. Through implementation of the above-mentioned recommendation, the vision of preconception health and outcomes of pregnancy will be
Friday, October 18, 2019
Can Concept of Enlightened Shareholder Value Succeed in Bridging the Essay
Can Concept of Enlightened Shareholder Value Succeed in Bridging the Gap between the Shareholder and Stakeholders Value Theories - Essay Example Does the concept of Enlightened Shareholder Value succeed in bridging the gap between the Shareholder and Stakeholders Value theories? Critically discuss the advantages, disadvantages and future perspectives of this new approach. 1. Introduction In the Enlightened Shareholder Value approach, much focus is given to â€Å"corporate stakeholders, including the environment, employees, and local communities†which are considered important in establishing long-term shareholder benefits1. Much debate has been seen throughout the years on what the goals of corporations should be. In order to seek an answer to this query, the shareholder value principle and the stakeholder theory has been considered. The shareholder value principle requires for a corporation to be managed in ways which support the shareholders over and above other parties having claims on the company. This principle has been seen in the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia. The stakeholder theory on the other hand declare s that the goal of the corporation must be to support all individuals who have been identified as stakeholders2. Under this set-up, the organization therefore seeks to manage the corporation for its shareholders, as well as all stakeholders who can be impacted by the organization. This theory is seen in Germany and in some European countries. In general, the shareholder value principle is being applied in most UK corporations. ... The current application of the shareholder theory is based on the Chicago School of Economics which highlighted the fact that the primary purpose of corporations is to maximize the wealth of shareholders; this theory also argues and that resolving social issues are state functions, not corporate functions4. Sharing wealth through philanthropy is therefore considered a useless enterprise for the corporation; in some instances, it may even be considered immoral because it is as good as stealing from the shareholders. The importance of the shareholder has been based on the principle of corporate law supported by the contractarian school in the US5. The contractarians declare that contractual relations among individuals within a company must be considered sacred6. These contractarians therefore uphold the right of the shareholders as the main basis for any corporation. This preference is based on the idea that for as long as the corporation is solvent, the company must be run in favour o f residual claimants7. These claimants have an interest in the company’s profits and therefore, their stake in the outcome of the company is also high. If the company suffers a downturn however, these shareholders also suffer to a significant extent. It is therefore important for shareholders to have a right to control the corporation over and above the interests of stakeholders8. 2.2 Criticism The shareholder theory is however very much focused on earning profits for its shareholders, with little to no concern at all attributed to how, who, or what is affected negatively by the corporation in gaining said profits. This theory also does not consider the environmental, social, cultural, and even political impact of their profiteering
Sri Lankan travellers needs and expectations about airline websites Literature review
Sri Lankan travellers needs and expectations about airline websites - Literature review Example Increasing demands of the customers have forced almost every business to have their own website. Similarly the airline industry has also been actively participating in this race and many airlines now maintain very attractive and eye catching websites (Weeks and Crouch, 1999; Morrison et al., 1999). The recent years have seen many studies and researches in the field of website assessment (Liu, 2000, Olsina, 1999 and Barnes and Vidgeon, 2001). Although there is a great deal of variation in the website design and content amongst different industries nonetheless quite a few assessment tools with precise excellence criterion have been made (Kim, Shaw and Schneider, 2003). The flowchart regarding the website evaluation is given below: Figure: 1 Website Evaluation Flowchart (Park and Gretzel, 2007, p.48). Website evaluation methods used by different authors As the internet has developed very rapidly there has been a number of websites available now. This vastness of information and types of websites makes it a necessity there must be some sort of criteria for the evaluation of these websites so that a proper level of quality can be maintained and junk material could be avoided (Seoyoung and Jinwoo, 2004). In order to carry out this evaluation a study was carried out and the characteristics were collected and analyzed. The contents were divided in to a number of categories so that it becomes easy to evaluate each one. The 4 Ps category division by McCarthy (1976) was adapted as the initial division criterion These 4 Ps were â€Å"product, price, promotion and point-of-sale†. It has been argued by some researchers that the above mentioned 4 Ps fit properly with the internet related stuff especially websites (Chaffey et al., 2003) however some other authors recommend total substitution of these 4 Ps (Constantinides, 2002; Kotler, 1998). A model for the adaptation of internet commerce has been developed by Burgess and Cooper (1999). The model is composed of 3 point s i.e. endorsement that relates knowledge regarding the corporation provision regarding interaction dispensation linked to online communication Ho (1997) uses an approach for website evaluation that is based upon the approach of phases. According to him the structure of the evaluation criterion is based upon 2 dimensional matrixes. First dimension is of â€Å"purpose†which is divided into 3 further categories i.e. Promotion i.e. data regarding the services and products provided to the clients Provision i.e. presence of information in order to attain the exposure, good will, and credibility. Processing i.e. commerce dealings. The 2nd dimension is called ‘value-created’’. This dimension is also divided into further categories named i.e. well-timed worth, custom significance, logistic worth and amazing value. Wan (2002) projected a tool for evaluating and ranking the international websites for tourists. He used 3 categories i.e. diversity of knowledge, user interface ease, and online reservation facility. â€Å"Airline Site Evaluation Framework (ASEF)†The website analysis of an air line usually address the requirement for ASEF i.e. a â€Å"client-oriented Airline Site Evaluation Framework (ASEF)†in which the assessment techniques and instrumentation methods developed previously were used with particular
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discussion Board 6-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Discussion Board 6-1 - Assignment Example According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2013), adolescents face serious hormonal fluctuations that may results to depression, stress, joy or antisocial behaviors. In case that such changes result to depression or stress, the affected person may be have negative socio-emotions that may cause them develop withdrawal attitudes. Such occurrences have the impact of widening the gap between an individual adolescent and the family members. In some cases, an adolescent may have the tendency to discriminate between the family members with they relate closely. The given adolescent may have negative view of the distant or disliked family members and infer lies or make false accusations. This can result to disagreements, disharmony and conflict between the family members that the given adolescent enjoys close relationship and those they have distant relationships. A good manifestation of impact of negative socio-emotional changes of adolescents on family system involved one of my friends whose condition resulted to disagreements between the parents. As an adolescent boy who lived mostly with the mother as the father worked far from home but paid regular visits to the family, the mother handled the boy softly. The boy became hot tempered and preferred violence and aggression in solving his problems. Later, the father transferred to a work place near home so that he lived with the family. On realizing the behavior of the boy, the father began disciplining the friend so that he might change and know how to manage his problems effectively. Discipline involved punishments and talks, which the mother interpreted as inappropriate (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2013). Conflict caused by difference in views of the parents concerning the boy’s condition led to divorce and the adolescent moved to live with the mother. In another instance, an adolescent girl who was also the only child from a neighboring family
MEDICAL STAFF AND NURSING LAW Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
MEDICAL STAFF AND NURSING LAW - Article Example The doctrine is classified under the law of torts, which in itself stands for civil wrongs. The most commonly sued tort in the medical field is negligence. The authors (Reagan & Regan) define negligence as an act that put under the similar conditions as the accused, a more prudent professional would perform differently and better to serve the interest of the persons put under their care. (Regan & Regan 2002) define the relationship between the employer and the employee very clearly. They state that a clear line has to be drawn in order to establish with certainty that there existed an agency relationship between the parties for which the senior faces charges for the mistakes of the junior. Malpractice is defined as failure to provide professional services with the skill usually exhibited by responsible and careful members of the profession, resulting in injury, loss, or damage to the party contracting for those services (Regan & Regan 2002). It is under the torch of medical malpractices that the acts of negligence is best shone on the undertakings that could be regarded as acts of negligence. When the employee is charged with conducting the business of the employer under situations or directions not prior agreed upon with the employer or simply disallowed by the employer, the precedent is set for the master to excuse themselves from the omissions of their staff. This balance puts employers at the helm of deciding and defining their work relations with their employees. Serving as a practicing nurse, there are many responsibilities that fall on the shoulders of the incumbent in such a position. For example a more experienced and clearly skilled nurse is put in charge of junior staff in the nursing department. The senior nurse is by this doctrine expected to ‘carry the cross’ for the acts of omission or commission for which the juniors expose
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Discussion Board 6-1 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3
Discussion Board 6-1 - Assignment Example According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2013), adolescents face serious hormonal fluctuations that may results to depression, stress, joy or antisocial behaviors. In case that such changes result to depression or stress, the affected person may be have negative socio-emotions that may cause them develop withdrawal attitudes. Such occurrences have the impact of widening the gap between an individual adolescent and the family members. In some cases, an adolescent may have the tendency to discriminate between the family members with they relate closely. The given adolescent may have negative view of the distant or disliked family members and infer lies or make false accusations. This can result to disagreements, disharmony and conflict between the family members that the given adolescent enjoys close relationship and those they have distant relationships. A good manifestation of impact of negative socio-emotional changes of adolescents on family system involved one of my friends whose condition resulted to disagreements between the parents. As an adolescent boy who lived mostly with the mother as the father worked far from home but paid regular visits to the family, the mother handled the boy softly. The boy became hot tempered and preferred violence and aggression in solving his problems. Later, the father transferred to a work place near home so that he lived with the family. On realizing the behavior of the boy, the father began disciplining the friend so that he might change and know how to manage his problems effectively. Discipline involved punishments and talks, which the mother interpreted as inappropriate (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2013). Conflict caused by difference in views of the parents concerning the boy’s condition led to divorce and the adolescent moved to live with the mother. In another instance, an adolescent girl who was also the only child from a neighboring family
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Union Organization Campaigns Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Union Organization Campaigns - Research Paper Example From the critical perspective, the overall efficacy of labor union and its ability to deliver entrusted objectives is largely determined with the effectiveness of union organizational campaigns and tactics utilized to achieve desirable goals. Unions can organize corporate campaigns ranging from various on-job actions and litigation to strike and negative publicity campaigns. The overall purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of union organizational campaign, its success or failure is to reveal combinations of tactics useful in specific labor actions that are associated with more coherent strategies for winning employer concessions. Since the late 1970s, scholars have taken notice of unions increased use of union organizational campaigns. Some view it as the means necessary to make labor more mobile and flexible, in order to keep up with how corporations have restructured themselves to compete in the global economy. Business has become â€Å"leaner and meaner†incorporating changes to increase productivity and cut costs (Champlin and Knoedler, 1999). Union organizational campaigns are attempts to address these new transformations in the economic environment through focused strategies executed to bring management into bargaining and counter unfriendly labor actions through targeting a company's points of vulnerability in order to decrease its profits (Heckscher, 1988). Others authors see the incorporation of new tactics as facilitating the overall expansion of union membership, resulting in a revitalized worker’s social movement. 's social movement. They estimate this will increase the status of unions through increasing the power of unions as a whole. This perspective supports restructuring in order to change values and objectives within unions so that they can gain external benefits, such as increasing membership (Moody, 1998). Reorganization would include forging multi-union connections to coordinate bargaining "across industrial lines to attack the centers of capital" (Moody 1998, p.341). Extended solidarity and mobilization could increase the legitimacy of picket lines, strengthen the ability unions to use their combined leverage to prompt equitable contract negotiations, and may garner widespread public support for workers. There is no consensus on how to define union organizational campaigns. There is also no conclusive classification of what actions and expected outcomes delineate the success or failure of a campaign. Kim Moody's book (1998), An Injury to All: The Decline of American Unionism, credited Ray Rogers as the first to coin the term "corporate
Monday, October 14, 2019
Cask of Amontialldo - Character Traits Essay Example for Free
Cask of Amontialldo Character Traits Essay The character of Montresor in, â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†is one who can only be defined with words along the lines of evil, or wicked. He vows to avenge the bold and childish Fortunato, whom Montresor swears did him wrong. Montresor could be described with many bold words, one being guilty. Though he is guilty, he is determined not to get caught. For instance, Montresor declares, â€Å"I must not only punish, but punish with impunity†(Poe, 1). Essentially, he is saying he will seek revenge on Fortunato, but he will get away with the vicious crime. Another obvious character trait for the devious Montresor, is dishonest. He claims to have obtained a cask of Amontillado, when the reader can tell through situational irony this is not true. He claims, â€Å" I have received a pipe of what passes for Amontillado, but I have my doubts†(Poe 1). Fortunato unknowingly follows the fiend, and in theory, seals his own fate. Montresor is also quite sneaky. He slyly gets Fortunato into a small inlet in his wine cellar also a home for skeletal remains. He hastily chains him up before the poor Fortunato can even realize what’s happening. Explaining the situation, Montresor says, â€Å" inding his progress arrested by the rock, stood stupidly bewildered a moment more and i fettered him to the granite†(Poe 4). Lastly, Montresor is just plain mysterious. Readers never know exactly why he decided to go after Fortunato, but it is hinted he offended the killer in some way. When asked about his coat of arms, Montresor blatantly states, â€Å"A human foot the foot crushes a serpent rampant whose fangs are imbedded in the heel†(Poe 3). The motto underneath is â€Å"nemo me impune lacessit†(Poe 3). To conclude, Montresor plays not only a degrading character, but one of many evils.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Economic Analysis of Nepal
Economic Analysis of Nepal CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 ackground of the study Nepal is a small landlocked country situated between China and India (area 147,181 square kilometers) with three primary ecological zones (Terai, Hilly and Mountain). The Terai region is the bread basket region of the country, but it is densely populated. The lower part of the Hilly region has climatic advantages for growing fruits and vegetables, and the higher part of the Hill to the Mountain regions have environmental suitability for livestock production. However, the lack of infrastructure and proper agricultural commodity promotion has made the Hill and Mountain regions economically less viable. These regions also have a disproportionate number of malnourished people. Lack of economic opportunities in the country has forced many people of the working class to look outside of the country for employment and source of income to sustain their livelihoods. From an economic viewpoint, Nepal can be characterized as a low income, densely populated, agriculturally dominant economy (IFAD, 2013). A quarter of Nepals population lives on less than US$1/day, and many Nepali lack the needed human capital and economic environment for income generation within the country . British Gurkhas Nepal (BGN) most important function is the annual recruitment process. Every year, a total of 186 men are selected following the rigorous selection process that is run from the camp at Pokhara. Of these, 126 join the British Army, while the remaining 60 join the Gurkha Contingent of the Singapore Police Force. BGN also facilitates transit, both to and from Nepal, of recruits, serving soldiers on leave and their families. Under the Gurkha Married Accompanied Service (GMAS) policy, all married serving Gurkha soldiers with three years or more service can be accompanied by their families to their posting, whether in the UK or Brunei. BGN has responsibility for arranging the call forward of Gurkha families under this scheme, and for organising flights to and from a posting.[N1] BGN has responsibility for organising the payment of pensions, while welfare for serving soldiers is run centrally from Kathmandu, with a number of Area Welfare Centres in other locations. Welfare for ex-servicemen is the responsibility of the Gurkha Welfare Service(GWS), an arm of the UK based Gurkha Welfare Trust, which is based at Pokhara. The GWS is responsible for the distribution of both individual welfare through distribution of pensions and grants to ex-servicemen and widows, and communal welfare through provision of infrastructure projects which helps to increase the remittance of our country. Currently there are 39 battalions serving in 7 Gorkha regiments in the Indian Army. For thousands of brave Gurkha those who are in service, ex-serviceman, their widows, and their families, the Welfare Pension is the difference between destitution and a life lived with dignity. The pension is enough to provide life’s essentials, including food, fuel, oil for cooking and clothes. By sponsoring a pensioner for  £20 a month, your gift will directly help to pay for a Welfare Pension that enables ex-Gurkhas and their families to live out their lives in dignity which has direct impact on Nepalese economy. According to Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) 2011, among the total population of 28 million, the total labor force was 21.84 million and agricultural employment was 13.98 million (64 percent of the work force). The growth of agricultural gross domestic product (GDP) had been only 3percentduring the 15 years period (from 1995/96 to 2010/11), in comparison to the growth of population by 2 percent over the same period (CBS, 2011). Therefore, the increase in agricultural GDP is not yet sufficient to lift a large number of people engaged in agriculture out of poverty, reduce malnutrition, and assure food security of the nation , 2012). [N2]Despite the fact that agriculture is vital for the livelihood and economy of the country, food imports grew from $125 million to $373 million over the period from 1995/1996 to 2010/2011 (ADB, 2013).[N3]The 2013 United Nations Human Development Report (HDR) has shown that Nepal remains one of the poorest countries in thesecond world with a Human Devel opment Index (HDI) of 0.463, and is positioned at 157 out of 187 countries. In 2011, about 25 percent of the total population was below the poverty level, which was mainly due to concentration of the poor in the agriculture based rural economy (CBS, 2011; MOF 2012). One of the major impacts of this economic situation is malnutrition, which is evident as 42 percent of children younger than five years old suffered from stunting (CBS, 2011). In the year 2012, the country ranked 60th in the Global Hunger Index 1(IFPRI, 2012) and the prevalence of overall undernourished among residents of Nepal was18 percent of the total population (FAO, 2012). The lack of economic opportunities due to weak performance of the agricultural sector, high population growth, and unstable political situations has prompted many of the most productive members of rural households to migrate in recent years (ADB, 2013). Both internal and international migrations are common in Nepal (Gurung, 2001). [N4] Nepal has experienced a substantial exodus of working adults to international destinations. According to the Nepal Institute of Developmental Studies (NIDS,2010), India hosts the largest number of Nepali workers anywhere in the world, but accurate information on the number of migrants to India is not available as these two countries share open borders. However, it was estimated that approximately 1.3 million male and 153,000 female Nepali migrants work in India (NIDS, 2010). Among countries that require a visa/work permit to work, the largest number of Nepalese migrant workers had chosen to migrate/work in Malaysia (361,464) followed by Qatar (351,544), Saudi Arabia (246,448), United Arab Emirates (178,535) and Bahrain (20,303) during the period 2006-2013. Nepalese migrants working in these countries are the source of a large amount of remittance, officially estimated at over US$ 5.1 billion in 2012 (IFAD, 2013). During fiscal year 2013, Nepal’s economic growth fell to 3.6 percent because of political uncertainty, shortfalls in public expenditures and low agricultural output. Despite the Lower growth rate and instability, the country has able to fund its trade deficit through the robust remittance in flow (World Bank, 2013). According to CBS (2011), the percentage of households receiving remittances increased from 23.4 percent in 1995/1996 to about 55.8 percent in 2010/2011 and the share of remittances in household income increased from about 26.6 percent to 30.9 percent during the same period. Thus, remittance income has been playing a crucial role for sustaining the livelihood of people residing in the country. The general objective of my thesis is to understand labor migration, impact of army personnel serving at British and India, tourism and its impact in Nepal and to establish a link between remittance and Nepalese economy. Specifically, the research will determine the pertinent variables that affect the migration, providing an understanding on the economy generated by remittance and identify the factors associated with internal and international migration along with the impact that remittance pushes toward the national economy. Statement of Problem Nepal being traditionally agrarian economy (i.e. the economy which relies primarily on the agriculture sector) also generates huge number of employment though most of them are unpaid. Moreover, the family depends upon the agriculture sector have been practicing this as a means to sustain rather than in a commercial way which seems to be main hurdles behind the lack of adequate employment generation in the country. Similarly, industrial sector growth has also been limited in the country on back of political interference, acute power shortage and lack of investment friendly environment in the country. This also is creating a problem in the foreign as well as domestic investment in the county ultimately affecting employment market in the country as well. Therefore, some of these questions are relevant in terms of remittances challenges in Nepal. What is the current status of remittance in Nepal? Which all are the factors that are affecting the economic sector? What are challenges and opportunities behind the remittances and the focus areas for the government to overcome it? Objective of the study In general the study will target towards analyzing the major factor that are limiting the growth of agriculture and industrial sector which employs large sector of the population and has potentiality to generate large number of employment in the country. More specifically however, the study will focus upon the following areas: To study economy situation of Nepal in general. 1.3.2 To study foreign employment sector in Nepal in reference to its contribution on employment generation in Nepal. To study factors affecting the growth of remittances in Nepal. To study the impact of remittances on economic insecurity. To study the impact of remittances on economic growth and poverty reduction. [N5] Justification of the study Migration refers to the movements of a person or group of people from one place to another place, which is generally understood as a permanent or semi-permanent change of residence. Migrants selectively choose to move across an international border or within a domestic boundary. Migration is an important issue in many countries around the world. Benefits and drawbacks of migration can be described in terms of â€Å"brain drain,†â€Å"brain gain,†â€Å"flow of remittances,†and â€Å"flow of skill.†(1996, Karan)[N6]. Migration is a concern of both source and sinks countries. One of the major problem being faced by the Nepali economy or the country as a whole is the unemployment which is creating lot of political and social problem in the country. Meanwhile, the research being conducted about the challenges on employment generation in Nepal is being researched on limited manner which created the void sector for the research[N7]. At the same time, we can al so learn about the current status of employment market and its challenges in creating the job. Therefore, this research paper helps students, academician, policy maker, reader and scholar to know about the factor which is affecting the growth of the remittance of Nepalese economy. Limitation of the study The required information to carry out the research has been collected from secondary sources. The field research is difficult due to vast areas for the research topic and the limited timeframe. There are materials being available in the internet i.e. numerical and analytical data which is used as basic materials for the research. [N8] 1.6 Review of Literature Report on Nepal Labour Force Survey 2008 which was prepared by Central Bureau of statistics, National Planning commission secretariat under Government of Nepal has in-depth research material about the Nepal employment market, Time-related under employment and labour under utilization, unemployment, sub-national indicators of employment, informal sector and informal employment, seasonal variation in employment among others. This report have incorporated all the statics and analytical aspect related to Nepali labour market. In his research paper, Promoting Employment: Challenges and Opportunities in Nepal presented on July 9-11, 2012, Dr. Jagadish C Pokharel, Former Vice Chairman National Planning Commission, explains about the employment scenario, cause of unemployment, potential sector for an employment in Nepal. Hehas mentioned about the importance of demographic composition in the employment market in Nepal. In the research report, Growth with employment for inclusive and sustainable development prepared by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development tells about the problem being faced by the least developed countries including Nepal in terms of employment. This research paper have focused upon the ineffective economic growth, need of employment creation in order to come out of poverty and focus areas for creation of sufficient quality jobs[N9]. 1.7 Research Methodology The research work has used qualitative method using secondary data. It is written analytically and in a descriptive way. Secondary data are attempted to collect from different website article, publication and research paper. It is great concern to make the research work as a more reflective of Nepalese economy and society. Chapter Organization The chapters of the research are organized as follows: Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. To Migrate Or Not To Migrate: Decision Of Nepalese Adults Chapter 3. Remittance Economy Of Nepal And Migration Destination Choices Chapter 4. Food Security Of Households, Adults And Children In Nepal: The Role Of Remittance Chapter 5. Foreign Employment Causing Brain Drain Chapter 6. Conclusions, Recommendation And Suggestion [N10] [N1]Pls do reference/footnotes. [N2]Is it ABD or ADB? [N3]Is it ABD or ADB? [N4]Specifying page no is better†¦ [N5]Pls rewrite the Specific Objectives focusing only on the research questions†¦ [N6]Pls see IRP guidelines for footnotes [N7]Not clear what you want to say? [N8]May not be necessary. [N9]Write few more reviews on other books/articles. [N10]No need to make all chapter heading on Capital letters on this chapter org.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
HNC Managing People Essay -- GCSE HNC Managing People Assignment
HNC Managing People Assignment Responsible for: Â · Recruitment, selection, training, and development of all staff. Â · The Management and Leadership of a team of 5 people. Â · The overall training budget of the Company. Â · Company Legislation appertaining to HR. Management and Employee Welfare. Duties include: Â · To produce accurate conditions of service contracts and process instructions for all aspects of salary payments for employee starters and leavers. Â · To issue accurate pay instructions to organisational pay services, ensuring information is received and processed, chasing queries as and when necessary. Â · To liaise with pay services on discrepancies, etc and inform members of staff of responses, ensuring all issues are dealt with in a timely manner. Â · To distribute pay slips to all employees on payroll. Â · To monitor and accurately maintain sick leave records for all staff, liaising with managers and the welfare service where appropriate. Â · To update and maintain the computerised Personnel system, ensuring data is accurate at all times. Â · To administer the recruitment process in an efficient and effective manner ensuring timescales and procedures are adhered to. Â · To act as an usher and provide assistance at interviews, selection tests and other assessments when required. Â · To act as HR representative on recruitment boards, as and when necessary. Â · To provide ‘first day’ induction to new employees in line with corporate policy. Â · To administer the flexible working scheme for staff. Â · To request references, health clearance, and security clearance for potential employees. Â · To fulfil the requirements of equal opportunities policy and procedures and implement equality principles and practices within the context of the job. The successful candidate must be able to prioritise work and meet deadlines, communicate effectively and have attention to detail. It essential that the successful candidate has intermediate to advanced MS Office skills and, ideally you will have a personnel qualification or be willing to study for the Certificate in Personnel Practice. Task 2 Interviews Interviews are a good way of the interviewer and interviewee of getting to known more information about the job and suitability of each other for the job, it is seen to be a... ... * Define the priority of each job responsibility and goal. * Define performance standards for key components of the job. * Hold discussions and provide feedback about employee performance, * Maintain a record of performance. * Provide the opportunity for broader feedback. Use a 360-degree performance feedback system that incorporates feedback from the employee's peers, customers, and people who may report to them * Develop and administer a coaching and improvement plan if the employee is not meeting expectations. Task 7 - Delegation Before delegating your workload you must identify a suitable person for the task. Prepare the person. Explain the task clearly. Make sure that you are understood. Make sure the person has the necessary authority to do the job properly. State reasons as to why the job needs delegating and when it needs to be done by. After the work has been delegated you should keep in touch with the person for support and monitoring progress. . Accept alternative approaches if they are necessary and Praise / Acknowledge a job well done. You should give the individual feedback on how they are doing and deal with any issues that do occur.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Community Windshield Survey Essay
Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to complete a direct observational assessment of a community in your area. This windshield survey will be the initial step in uncovering a community health problem in your area and identifying community dynamics. This problem will be further assessed in the following two assignments. Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes. CO #2. Integrate clinical judgment in professional decision-making and implementation of the nursing process through analysis of community health nursing practice. (PO #4) CO #5. Analyze the nursing roles in the community health setting. (PO #7) CO #7. Accept accountability for personal and professional development as part of the life-long learning process. (PO #5) Due Date Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 2. Points: 150 points Directions 1. Download the NR443 Community Windshield Survey Form from Doc Sharing. You will type your name and answers directly onto this Word document. Your form does NOT need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use correct grammar, spelling, syntax and write in complete sentences. 2. Save the file by clicking â€Å"Save as†and adding your last name to the file name, e.g., â€Å"NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith†3. Submit the completed form to the â€Å"Caring for Populations: Community Windshield Survey†Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2. 4. Length: The completed form should be no more than three pages in length (not including any optional references). Guidelines Below are the requirements needed for successful completion of the Windshield Survey Form: 1. Introduction to the Community: Identify the community you will be using for this assignment and provide a brief one to two paragraph description of the community. Your community should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting. 2. Windshield Survey: Assess your community by doing an informal windshield survey. Information about the components of a windshield survey is located in your textbook, Nies & McEwen (2011) on page 97 (Box 6-2). Drive through the area and report your observations by describing each of the following six areas using the questions in the text as your guide (one to two paragraphs each): a. Community vitality b. Indicators of social and economic conditions c. Health resources d. Environmental conditions related to health e. Social functioning f. Attitude toward healthcare It is helpful to conduct this assessment at least two different times: during the day or evening, on a weekday and/or on the weekend. If possible, plan on asking someone to drive during your survey so that you can take notes. 3. Conclusion: Provide a summary of your findings. The information gathered during the windshield survey should assist you to identify a community health problem that will be further assessed in the next assignment. 4. References: The purpose of this assignment is to document your observations of your community. Outside sources are not required. However, if sources are used, these sources must be cited within the form and listed in the Reference section. Best Practices in Preparing the Form The following are best practices in preparing this project: Make sure all elements of the form are included. Review directions and grading rubric below thoroughly. Cite any outside references as above (these are optional). Proofread prior to final submission. Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission. Abide by the CCN academic integrity policy, which may be found in the Policies under the Course Home tab.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Importance of Understanding Culture Diversity in the Workplace
Importance of Understanding Culture Diversity in the Workplace In business today it is important to have a diverse group of employees in the workplace. Our textbook defines diversity as real or perceived differences among people in race, ethnicity, sex, age, physical and mental ability, sexual orientation, religion, work and family status, weight and appearance, and other identity-based attributes that affect their interactions and relationships (Bell, 2012, p. 5).It is very important to understand the cultural, ethnical, and gender differences by professionals and management in the workforce in this day and age. If an organization develops a reputation for valuing all types of employees, it will become known as an employer of choice, in which workers from all backgrounds feel they have the opportunity to work, grow, and be treated fairly (Bell, 2012, p. 4). By being diverse in its employees, a business has a better opportunity for new ideas and growth potential and less likely to be stymied.Despite extraordinary corporate and media attention paid to diversity in the past thirty years, discrimination, inequality, and exclusion persist in organizations (Bell, 2012, p. 4). As discussed this week in class, when the department head turned down the Jamaican friend for the position, even though he seemed better qualified, it showed stereotyping and prejudices can have a negative effect in the workplace. The situation made for an uncomfortable, even negative environment in the workplace.By the department head’s negative behavior it caused a barrier for productivity and potentially harmed working relationships. It is essential in today’s business world for managers and professionals to understand the importance of cultural, ethnical and gender differences to make the workplace environment an at-ease one for employees to thrive and be productive. In every culture there are unique thought processes and behaviors and these cultural differences have a strong impact on workplace interaction and communication.What may be considered the norm for one person’s culture could be completely unacceptable to another. People from diverse cultures bring new ways of thinking, ingenuity and communication skills needed to endure in today’s workforce. Working in and learning in environments with people who are different can benefit individuals through intellectual engagement, perspective taking, and greater understanding of the implications and benefits of diversity (Bell, 2012, p. 4). In the healthcare industry, employers benefit by hiring a diverse workforce.Hospitals have come to appreciate that by hiring staff from different cultural, ethnical, and gender backgrounds, it brings a great deal of valued thoughts and insight when it applies to patient care. Ultimately, if a hospital's workforce more closely resembles the patient population it serves quality measures and patient satisfaction scores will improve (Commins, 2012, p. 2). Nursi ng care must become more culturally, ethnically, and gender diverse in order for the nursing unit to reflect the diversity of the population it treats.The ball and sock experiment really showed me how it feels to be different. I felt awkward and uncomfortable, I struggled with daily tasks that I normally accomplished without having to even think about, for example, brushing my teeth, shaving my legs, inserting the keys into the ignition of my car, shifting the gears of my car to just name a few. By the end of the day I could perform these tasks more easily but I still had to use more focus and effort.The ball and sock experiment opened my eyes to how it must feel to be outside of what society considers to be the norm and gave me a new appreciation for how these differences help shape our society. In conclusion, it is very important to understand the need for cultural, ethnical, and gender differences by professionals and management in the workforce in this day and age. Diversity in the workplace, no matter in healthcare or any other business, is of the utmost importance for growth and prosperity.
Managing Role Stress as a nurse Essay
Role Stress is the number one reason nurses leave the nursing field (Chang, Hancock, Johnson, Daly, & Jackson, 2005). Role Stress happens when you find yourself experiencing things that you did not expect to happen to you as a nurse. It is the difference your perception of a role versus the reality of your role. You might first experience this as a new grad Nurse without confidence, facing unrealistic expectations, and value conflicts. You could also experience Role Stress due to a lack of job control, high demands, and work overload. We are now being faced with shorter and shorter hospital stays equaling more work to be done in less time. (Blais & Hayes, 2011, pg. 27 ) A nurse experiencing Role Stress might end up with Role Strain. â€Å"An emotional reaction accompanied by psychological responses, such as anxiety, tension, irritation, resentment, depression, and job dissatisfaction†(Blais & Hayes 2011, pg. 27). A stressor that one might experience as a substitute school nurse is the lack of consistency on policy from one school to another. A good way to manage the stress caused by the inconsistency is to research school nurse policies in the state you are in, and work under those regulations. Also, voicing your concerns to those involved can help if done politely. This was shown to be effective, thus eliminating stress. In another example; one may not realize the emotional stress of a job. Death in the ED can take a toll on both staff and family. It can produce feelings of guilt, anger, failure. One might become numb and develop emotional defenses to cope with the way they feel. To help with this special education or training can be given to the nurse, which can help improve wellness and performance (http://emedicine. In every different nursing environment we will eventually run into stressors, that can cause role strain. There are fortunately some strategies that can help manage stress. A plan of care to manage stress might be helpful to all working in the health care field. The following interventions might help reduce stress: Learn how to identify problems and solve them, have good time management skills, delegate well, and learn to not procrastinate. It is also helpful to not assume too many roles, to arrive early, and prepare ahead of time to eliminate any work overload stress. (Blais & Hayes, 2011, pg. 29). A short term goal could be to arrive early to work everyday which in return could prevent some additional stress.. A long term goal would be the reduction of stress through applying the above strategies, as well as doing something healthy for yourself, such as a walk, exercise, alone time, or perhaps a good book. Using community resources and help available through specialist and friends can also be beneficial. In summary, it is first necessary to take care of yourself, then you will be in a position to apply the many other helpful techniques enabling you to care for others. References Blais, K.K. & Hayes, J.S. (2011). Professional Nursing Practice: Concepts and Perspectives (6th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, Inc. Chang, E.J., Hancock, K.M., Johnson, A., Daly, J., & Jackson, D. (2005). Role stress in nurses: Review of related factors and strategies for moving forward. Nursing and Health Sciences, 7, 57-65. Medscape. (2009). Grief Support in the ED. Retrieved September 4, 2013, from http://emedicine,
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
British Cinema and Industry 1980 and Present Essay
British Cinema and Industry 1980 and Present - Essay Example General audiences usually enjoy repetitions of elements that they can recognise from their experience of movie watching along with certain amount of novelty. This paper focuses on the characteristics of British cinema from 1980s to the present. British cinema: genres and themes British cinema is known for distinguished genre and themes that separate it from other national cinemas. There are few Western movies made in the United Kingdom for obvious reasons. British cinema works on putting their own distinctive mark on existing genres and is always inventing new genres and themes. Many British comedy movies have their origin in the era of silent movies when the comedy was slapstick. The British documentary movies have their roots in the 1890s although they have taken their current form in the 1930s . Adaptations from literature have always formed major themes in many British movies. In the 1980s, classic novels almost gave rise to a virtual film industry. This is because such themes an d styles were adored by the audiences. Even today classic adaptations remain high in demand, although contemporary writers are also making their mark in the British film industry. The British film industry was going through an ailing period in the 1980s. The industry was not embraced by the Thatcher administration. The Conservative government did not extend any support to the industry and saw cinema as a â€Å"commercial enterprise which would need to sink or swim on its own†.Margaret Thatcher treated the film industry indifferently and her government passed a Bill in the 1984-85 that abolished a previous law that allowed a percentage of box-office receipts to be invested in the British film industry. ... treated the film industry indifferently and her government passed a Bill in the 1984-85 that abolished a previous law that allowed a percentage of box-office receipts to be invested in the British film industry. The government also abolished the 25 percent tax benefit of film investors. This encouraged the filmmakers to take more economic risks and experience with new innovations. The culture created by Thatcher became implicit or explicit themes in many popular movies of this era (Friedman, 2006, pp.21-22). 1980s was an era of realism in the British film industry and most themes were based on realistic social matters. During this period British filmmakers found specific ways to portray the social problems and matters which they viewed as â€Å"contemporary reality†. Such filmmakers were more often not concerned with the aesthetic depiction of matters concerned with reality. Any issues that concerned the society were reflected and amplified in the movies in the way they were r ecognised by the socially aware filmmakers. In the 1980s, many films were made to reflect the realistic conditions of the working class in Britain. The British film director Derek Jarman saw Britain as a country where morals have perished. He made films like Britannia Hospital (1982) and The Last of England (1987) which reflected the real issues of the prevailing social structure. Although 1980s saw racial riots in parts of London, few movies were concerned with issues relating to racism. One major exception was the documentary movie Handsworth Songs (1986). Unlike the previous decades when women were portrayed only as objects of desire, 1980s was also an era when British movies depicted â€Å"strong female protagonists†. These movies reflected the rising position of women in the British society
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Macro Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Macro Economics - Essay Example (Sloman, 2006) Keynesians believe that if left to the market forces there is no guarantee that the economy will achieve a full employment level of GDP. They argue that instead when left on its own economy may not function as required and may result in high levels of unemployment. Therefore, to control this it is important for the government to intervene. If there is high unemployment the government should opt for deficit financing in order to increase the spending in the economy thereby, triggering economic growth. (Bamford et al. 2003) According to the circular flow of income national income should always be equal to the consumption of domestically produced goods and the withdrawals from the economy. Y= Cd + W Here National Income (Y) can be defined by the above equation. The withdrawals (W) are made up of net Savings (S), net Taxes (T) and spending on Imports (M). As we already know that the total spending in the economy on goods and services is known as Aggregate Expenditure (E). This is made up of the demand for locally produced goods plus the three injections (J): investment (I), government expenditure in the economy (G) and exports (X). (Sloman, 2006) When in equilibrium the Aggregate Expenditure is equal to National Income as injections are supposed to be equal to withdrawals. In the model put forward by the Keynesians in order to get equilibrium national income a line is drawn at 45 degrees. This is because at that point the Aggregate Expenditure will be equal to real GDP level of income. Thus, shown in the diagram below the level of income in the economy will be determined at the point where the AE curves interest the 45 degrees line. Figure 1 The Keynesian income-expenditure approach and aggregate demand and supply Diagram taken from Cliff Notes, 2011: Website Suppose that the economy is initially at the natural level of real GDP that corresponds to Y1 in Figure 1. Associated with this level of real GDP is an aggregate expenditure curve, A E1. Now, suppose that autonomous expenditure declines, from A1 to A3, causing the AE curve to shift downward from AE1 to AE3. This decline in autonomous expenditure is also represented by a reduction in aggregate demand from AD1 to AD2. At the same price level, P1, equilibrium real GDP has fallen from Y1 to Y3. However, the intersection of the SAS and AD2 curves is at the lower price level, P2, implying that the price level falls. The fall in the price level means that the aggregate expenditure curve will not fall all the way to AE3 but will instead fall only to AE2. Therefore, the new level of equilibrium real GDP is at Y2, which lies below the natural level, Y1. (Cliff notes, 2011) Question 2 â€Å"In economics, a multiplier is a factor of proportionality that measures how much an endogenous variable changes in response to a change in some exogenous variable. For example, suppose a one-un it change in some variable x causes another variable y to change by M units. Then the multiplier is M.†(Wikipedia, 2011) When the injections in an economy increases so does the amount of the national income (Y). The question here is by how much? In fact, national income Y will increase in a proportion more than the injections-J. Y will rise by a multiple of J. The number of times Y increases with respect to the change in the injections is known as the multiplier (k). Multiplier is equal to the change in national income Y divided by the change in injections. (Sloman, 2006) Apart from the above explanation above the value of the multiplier can also be determined by the following formula: K= 1/ (marginal propensity to withdraw). (Bamford et al. 2003) The four-sector economy is the most
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